Healing Through Art and Movement: About MK & Beacon Ranch

Mary-Kate Seward at Beacon Ranch, wearing a ‘Breathe, Ranch & Mental Health’ shirt, symbolizing her journey of healing through art and movement.

Living Life as an Art Form At Beacon Ranch Studio™, I believe that life itself is our greatest work of art. My journey of healing through art and movement has woven together the worlds of performance, renewal, and intentional living. It’s my mission to help you rediscover life as a sacred, creative act through creative […]

The Ruby Within: Navigating Life’s Pressures With Daily Rituals

The Ruby Within: Navigating Life's Pressure With Daily Ritual

“You are a ruby embedded in granite. How long will you pretend it’s not true? We can see it in your eyes. Come to the root of the root of your Self.” -Rumi Daily rituals are not just mere tasks on our to-do lists; they are profound vehicles and opportunities for self-discovery and growth. They […]

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