Transcend Limits
Transform Trauma
Thrive Together

At Beacon Ranch Studio™, embark on a transformative journey. Discover joy and healing through our art of mindfulness. Set out on a path from trauma to triumph. Together, as Brave Beacons, we will navigate towards our inner genius and collective thriving.

Your Lighthouse Of Hope

At Beacon Ranch Studio™, Find Your Sanctuary Of Growth And Self-Discovery. We Blend Daily Wellness Practices With Mythic Wisdom, Guiding You On A Transformative Journey To Healing And Self-Mastery.

Transcend Limits

With our signature series, “Beacon’s Guide™: Practices for Busy Beings,” rise above everyday challenges through mindful action and tailored wellness techniques.

Transform Trauma

Engage with ‘Mythic Mindscapes™: Journeys of Insight and Transformation,’ and harness the profound insights and healing power of myths as you navigate your path from trauma to triumph.

Thrive Together

Join our community, Brave Beacons, and connect with others on this journey. Chart your path to inner genius as you embrace the collective wisdom and support of our unique tribe.

About MK

About MK

I’m MK, the guiding light behind Beacon Ranch Studio™—a sanctuary born from heartbreak’s ashes, with a steadfast determination to transmute loss into a life filled with purpose and joy.

At Beacon Ranch, we blend the timeless wisdom of myths with trauma-informed practices to support those navigating their own challenging journeys—whether it’s through dark nights of the soul or in search of deeper purpose and meaning. Our practices encourage you to engage your creative imagination and discover pathways to profound personal transformation.

My journey echoes that of a character on an epic quest, unexpectedly called to face profound challenges. This isolating and intensely demanding journey revealed the resilience within me and ignited a passion to help others find healing and empowerment.

Informed by the insightful teachings of Michael Meade, I believe each of us carries an innate genius capable of contributing to the healing and transformation of our lives, our communities, and the world at large. My methods, rooted in the wisdom of ancient myths and enhanced by holistic wellness techniques, aim not just to navigate but to illuminate the complexities of life.

With a foundation in trauma-informed yoga, meditation, breathwork, health coaching, and grief support, I am dedicated to creating nurturing experiences that transcend healing. These practices are gateways to deep self-discovery, helping us find meaning in our struggles and transform adversity into narratives of triumph.

My collaboration with the Veterans Yoga Project and the Modern Widows Club Survivors of Suicide deepens my commitment to ensuring that no one walks their path alone. At Beacon Ranch Studio™, we honor every step of your journey as we collectively strive toward a shared awakening and the rekindling of our communal spirit.

Here, amidst the changing tides of life, you are invited to discover joy and healing through mindfulness. Join us, the Brave Beacons, on a journey toward deeper understanding, guided by the enduring wisdom of myths and the grounding force of our wellness practices. Beacon Ranch Studio™ is more than a channel; it is a sanctuary where every soul’s voyage is acknowledged and supported in a collective embrace of becoming.


Discover Mindful Media with Beacon Ranch

At Beacon Ranch Studio™, we embrace the intricate journey of healing, turning trauma into triumph and personal evolution. Rooted in the ancient wisdom of myths, our mindful actions are designed to help you transcend limits and draw strength for collective growth and resilience.

Join our Brave Beacons Community

Embark on an interconnected path of wellness and insight:

  • Dynamic Mind-Body Practices: Explore yoga sequences for emotional resilience and mental clarity, tailored for modern living.
  • Vital Energy Breathwork™: Experience sessions that open pathways to self-awareness and energy balance, grounded in trauma-informed care.
  • Mythic Mindscapes™: Delve into the universal truths within myths for profound insight and transformation. This series is intricately woven with our ‘Beacon’s Guide™: Practices for Busy Beings’, ensuring that each practice not only offers wellness benefits but also carries the depth of mythic narrative for a holistic experience.

What’s Coming to YouTube:

  • Beacon’s Guide™: Practices for Busy Beings: Upcoming short, impactful practices that easily integrate into your day for wellness and self-discovery, each enriched by the narrative depth of “Mythic Mindscapes™.”
  • Through the Night: Navigating the Dark Night of the Soul: Supportive guidance and companionship for those undergoing profound personal transformations, complemented by the practices found in “Beacon’s Guide™.”


Your interaction with our channel—through subscriptions, likes, and shares—helps build a community centered on wellness and optimism. By joining our YouTube journey early, you become an integral part of a movement spreading empowering content far and wide, where the richness of ancient lore meets the practicality of everyday wellness.


Thank you Mary Kate, We attended a free online class which made my group of freinds from Germany join your membership, your classes are Super. You are such a great instructor and we feel you are in the room with us - your directions to correct positions was so clear. You have made us all feel very happy and at ease and we have different levels of flexibility.
We will be making your recommendations to all our freinds (I hope my English is correct).

Vielen Dank von ganzem Herzen für die beste Online-Sitzung und alle unsere Freundschaftsgruppen werden sich Ihnen anschließen.
Sie haben online die beste Präsenz und das Video ist so klar, dass wir uns fühlten, als wären wir mit Ihnen auf der Beacon Ranch. Wenn Sie jemals nach Deutschland kommen, müssen Sie persönlich einen Kurs für uns organisieren.
Habt ein tolles Wochenende und wir vermissen euch bis zum nächsten Mal.
Jackie S.

My wellness services are not a substitute for professional mental health treatment but complementary to it.
If you or someone you know needs support now, call or text the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988 or chat